Australian Bushflower EMERGENCY Essence

health kids Mar 03, 2022

As you probably already know I am an Australian Bush Flower Essence Practitioner and me and my family lived in Down Under for 3 years. There I heard about the founder Ian White and his wonderful Essences for the first time.

The Emergency Essence is one of the blends I always have at hand at a place reachable to everyone. It is one of the most used ones in my family including the pets.

It is a combination of different flowers such as: Angelsword, Dog Rose of the Wild Forces, Crowea, Fringed Violet, Grey Spider Flower, Sundew and Waratah.

You can use it in any physical, emotional or energetic imbalance such as distress, panic, fear or terror. Just for any traumatic and stressful situation. It calms you down and grounds you, releases stress and pain. At the beginning you can administer or take it every 10 to 15 minutes until the person feels better or medical help arrives. Normally, it is recommended to take it under the tongue in the morning and night for 2 weeks. With Emergency it is different. It is also very useful to take it several days before surgery and after as the anesthetic can have an impact on your aura and the negative talking of the doctors during the surgery can have an impact on your subconscious mind. It helps with healing on all levels.

Until now we used it after all kind of emergencies that popped up from things like wasp and scorpion stings, to sudden headaches, cuts, shocks or even during our dog’s seizures. We even have video footage of our dogs epilepsy and what happens when we put some drops over his body. In this case the Spray would also be a handy alternative. He stops having the seizure as soon he gets in contact with it. It doesn’t even have to be on his skin, it can just be over his aura. Another benefit is that he recovers much faster from the hardship. You can also put it into your pet’s water.

Our family always has one bottle in the car, one in my handbag and one in the house. It is our number one combination blend. Maybe soon it will be for you too.

It’s worth trying it! It is magical.