The Milk industry?

food Apr 01, 2022

The belief that we need milk products to have strong and healthy bones is still very strong. In Switzerland and probably also in other parts of the world it is common that they promote milk in schools. When my kids attended primary school, it was normal that several times a year they offered milk shakes during their break. It is an easy way to influence young kids.

The dairy industry promotes their products as a must have for strong and healthy bones and as a good source of high-quality protein. Is that really true?

Let’s reflect about it. Who are cows producing milk for? – They would do the same as humans do. They would produce milk to nourish their youngsters, but nowadays they are used as milking machines. 2 or more times a day, they are hooked up for milking for our needs. They even have to produce 4 times more milk than they did in the 1950s and that is why their life span is reduced by 7 times. Their life expectancy would be 20 years, but they get slaughtered at around 3 as their milk production drops and they are chronically lame or infertile.  

Cow’s milk is nature’s most perfect food for a baby calf – who has four stomachs and is a ruminant animal that will gain about 200 pounds in its first year (John Robbins). It is not meant to be for human consumption. That’s why a lot of people suffer under chronic diseases as such migranes, arthritis, diabetes type 2, heart disease, cancer especially breast and prostate or high blood pressure. Cow’s milk is not meant to be consumed by humans.  

Consuming dairy products on a regularly basis puts you at a higher risk of several health conditions due to high levels of insulin-like growth factor.

There are different studies that show that casein, which is a protein, is the most relevant chemical carcinogen ever identified.

We need calcium, but this mineral is not only found in milk products. Green vegetables are an even better, cruelty-free and natural source of the necessary nutrients.

To stay healthy, I try my best with a whole-food, plant-based diet with little sugar, salt and fat. It’s not as difficult as you might think and after a few weeks you will gain energy. Give it a try for at least 2 months to really experience its benefits. As your body will detoxify, it can be that you feel worse before it gets better. Don’t give up!

If you want to do your own research, there are many helpful websites, books and documentaries about this theme. My main sources were:

The book: Voices of the Food Revolution by John and Ocean Robbins and


Remember: You are what you eat!