Simple Food

food vegan Apr 26, 2022

It goes beyond. It’s not only simple, it is a real pleasure to eat it. So, what is simple food? It is food that isn’t processed. It is plant based, rich in nutrients, natural and clean. With that I mean it is free of chemicals, grown without hormones, antibiotics, and GMO’s (genetically modified organism). It is sustainable as it supports the local economy as we buy the food at the farmers market and so on. It is good for the whole human being (physically, mentally, energetically and spiritually), for the animals and for the environment. “Simple” food makes me happy and gives me abundant energy. When you change your diet, it can be that at the beginning you feel worse as your body gets rid of toxins, but don’t give up and stick to it for at least two months. After a while you will start to feel a change to the positive. Not only will your cells make dances of joy, but also your soul. 

With highly processed food you starve your body. Ironically, you feel full, but your cells are not getting what they need. Our body is like soil. It needs to be nourished properly otherwise it dries out inwardly. 

What kind of food you eat has a great impact on your health. For me it is as important as your thoughts. Why is it that future doctors almost learn nothing about the importance of food. They learn everything about drugs, surgery, treatments, and other procedures, but they learn little about practices on how to maintain a healthy immune system, when food is the main reason for most illnesses. Furthermore, medicine students must learn so much that there is no time to reflect on what they learn. Why is that? In my opinion they do that on purpose so they don’t start questioning what they are doing or learning. If people would stay healthy the pharma industry would collapse. They earn billions with sick people so do you still belief that they are keen on keeping you healthy? Illnesses that keep you sick are their friends. The practice of medicine is certainly not made to support the health of people and they never ever deal with the cause of a disease. Medicine is great and needed within emergencies, but not with chronic cases. 

Have you ever wondered why the government never promotes healthy food? If you want to know more about our health system, go and inform yourself. There are some good books. Why is it that our pets seem to have the same symptoms, cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and so on just like us? Could it be because they eat processed food just like we do and get the same treatments? If you want to go into more detail, I recommend you read the books of Dr. med. Vet. Jutta Ziegler. 

If you want to stay healthy and care about our world, then there is no better and simpler way than starting with your diet.  Buy locally, organic and plant-based food. Check your values and take responsibility! If it still must be meat than at least buy it from a farmer whose cows are grass fed or catch your own fish and so on. 

In the long run genetically engineered, highly processed food makes you, our animals, economy and the environment sick. 

Everything is a choice. You just have to decide if you want change something or not. Asking yourself question such as: 

Where does this food come from? How were the animals treated? Can I support what I am eating with a clear consciousness? How do I feel after my meal? Do I get tired afterwards? Do I get acne? and so on…

Maybe it is my personality, but when I can’t support something ethically anymore, I tend to change my behavior from one day to the other. I immediately stop supporting the system. Let’s say I find out about the milk industry and don’t want to support it anymore; I stop drinking and eating milk products right away. You can always find an excuse as to why you can’t do something 

For me it is a pleasure and delight eating plant-based food. Maybe it could be for you too!