Inspirations to support your child/children

kids Mar 22, 2022

How can we support our children to be strong, healthy, self-confident and authentic adults?

First of all, love your child unconditionally. That means don’t only love them when they meet your expectations. Don’t compare them to other children. See them for who they are. Every kid is unique and has a certain strength and a task to fulfill in this world. This is just my humble opinion. They are also our mirrors. They show us, where we still have potential to grow. Your children are a reflection of yourself and with them you can grow and mature as they grow with you.

Start to observe nature and its processes. She is our biggest teacher and we have forgotten to be connected to her. Instead of living with her, we destroy this beautiful planet as we are more and more disconnected. If you have your own vegetable garden, you know that for healthy food you require nutritious soil and that water and sun are essential. The plants need to be protected that they don’t get eaten by snails, birds or other animals. Growth happens as if by magic without our intervention. The plants grow out of inner strength and inner knowledge. When it comes to vegetables, it never crosses our mind to change the vegetable to another one. Nor do we think, pulling on it makes it grow faster. Which I have to admit, is not so true anymore nowadays. Humans try to shape and develop everything to their ideas and needs.

Our children would intuitively know what they need to be happy. The only ones standing in their way are us adults. We think we know what they need for their personal development. What a mistake.


  • Childhood is short and has a big impact on your adult life
  • Normal doesn’t mean that it is right.
  • What is important to you may not be important to your child
  • Let children be children!
  • Give them quality time
  • Children learn while playing
  • They need space and time to develop
  • Unconditional love is unavoidable
  • Listen to them
  • Trust them
  • Let them make their own experiences and mistakes
  • Your child doesn’t belong to you
  • Children are not objects
  • Be patient
  • Have fun with them
  • Enjoy their presence.
  • Don’t be a control junky
  • Show them that you are there for them
  • Kids see and experience the world differently than we do.

Every human has a different purpose in life. Let children discover theirs from an early age and they will later know where there strengths and talent lie. Do you know why a lot of adults are unhappy in their life? Because they deviated from their soul path and never had a chance to explore who they truly are. Just my humble opinion again.

We expect our children to perform well in school. We expect them to behave like adults, yet we don’t treat them like adults. We expect them to outperform everywhere. We expect them to look good. We have a lot of expectations. Can you imagine what impact this has on their psyche? The feeling of never being good enough? What expectations do you have?

Most of us take life far too seriously. Live in the present moment. Open your heart, treat everyone equally and enjoy. Your children need to make their own mistakes and experiences. I tell them my point of view, but they have to make their own decision. When kids are younger, sit back and observe them from a distance. Jump in when they need your support or when they are in danger. In my opinion and with my experiences I am convinced that we interfere way too often. Every choice, no matter how small, creates awareness. Life is not as simple as a straight line. Mistakes are a must and if we as adults are tolerant, they will become tolerant as well.  

Children love and imitate you. Watch your actions. If you are online all the time, don’t expect your kids not to be.

Live your passion, be a role model and be authentic and true. In these challenging times more than ever…. and for god’s sake stand up for your children.

Strong parents, strong kids!