Take Responsibility

motherhood pregnancy Jul 14, 2021

This blog is for warrior women who dare to question.

When you reveal the truth in social media, you get censored, that is why I created this blog to inform you of a world beyond mainstream.

It's a difficult time for pregnant women at the moment. The medical establishment puts pressure on you to get the jab. It has nothing to do with caring for you and certainly not your unborn child. It all comes back to mass reduction. No, I'm not a Conspiracy Theorist, I'm simply aware enough to know what's going on. I am here to help you find the truth. If this doesn’t resonate with you then this blog and website aren’t meant to be for you. That’s ok, just move on. Enjoy your day and I wish you all the best!

If you’re still reading then I warn you: don’t get vaccinated! For the sake of your unborn child. There is an agenda behind it. They are even telling you about it in films, on the WEF forum site and even Bill Gates talks about it. Open your eyes and gather information, it is everywhere, there for anyone to understand once you take a step back and start questioning. The illusion of mainstream is strongly misleading you. They are controlled and corrupt. Do your research!

I started questioning things 20 years ago. The reason was the love for my children and my work as a Craniosacral, prenatal- and birththerapist.

Why administer around 30 vaccinations in the first year of a vulnerable being, whose immune system isn’t developed yet? Why send children to school or care programs earlier and earlier and not let them live a little? Why does every child have to learn absolutely the same at school? What about our history? Aren’t there a lot of question marks as well? With a lot of unanswered questions, I started researching and following my heart. If you start doing it, you will be an outsider until you find your new tribe. Once you step out of the matrix you will find that it is worth it. After all of the hardships you might face by stepping out of the matrix, you will be rewarded with health, peace, freedom, independence and new conscious friends.

I don’t make money by telling you that you shouldn’t get vaccinated. I’m here to empower you. Trust your intuition and follow your heart! I see it as my mission to protect the children and create a new earth.

Be brave and stand up for your child when it doesn’t feel right for you. Join me in my mission today!