The Importance of a High Vibrational Field

energy/field Mar 11, 2022

Why is it so important to be surrounded by a High Vibrational Field?..... because it has an influence on our health, what we attract and how we feel.

For a baby, being born in a high vibrational field is a feeling like winning the lottery. They will bathe in a field of happiness, love, light and joy. How does it get any better than this?

As we give life to another being, and our womb is the housing for the new human being, we are the ones who are responsible for the outcome. If you want happy guests, it's on you to create a welcoming atmosphere. That is exactly what you should do for the new being. Where do you want to be born in? In a field of unconditional love, joy, light and peace or in a field of fear, hate and uncertainty? In those challenging times it is more important than ever to be a creator of what you want for you and your child. As mothers we have a lot of responsibilities. We are the ones who can have a great impact on the outcome of our future. Creating a high vibrational field for our children is essential.

Women were suppressed by the “elite” or however we want to call them  for centuries. They are aware of the power women have. We are the ones who can bear a child. There is much more potential in us than most women aware of. Let’s be proud to be a woman again.

Giving birth is also our second birth. It can empower us and we can find our own femininity. As they are aware of it and don’t want us to regain our strength and to rise, they try to suppress us by letting us belief that a Caesarean section and all other interventions are here to help us, but instead they weaken not only us, but also our progeny. Caesareans are meant to be for emergencies, but not for the comfort of doctors time tables and women’s comfort. See the potential in a natural birth and not the pain – which can be drastically reduced if you prepare yourself for it with Hypnobirthing for example or a certain meditation practice. Rise, shine, get empowered and create!

The more conscious you create your field, the more connected you will be with your child. As you probably know the first 7 years of a child’s life have an enormous impact on their future life.

The medical establishment is trained a certain way and they don’t know about the importance of “maintaining” a high vibrational field. Their image of men and how humans function is influenced by a specific education where there is no time to reflect on what has been learnt. They learn to see a human being as a pure mechanical being compared to a car where you replace or take out pieces when something seems to be wrong.  When you are pregnant you are like a car. You regularly go to checkups for ultrasounds, blood pressure measurements, urine tests and so on. Are they really necessary? Or is it just to make money, to keep us in fear, to appease our curiosity or give us a sense of security?

If you belief it or not, a pregnant woman is just a further object which generates income to the establishment. It has nothing to do with health.

Remember! There is a huge difference if

  • we are born in a field of love or hatred,
  • we eat nutritional food rather than junk food,
  • we think positively or negatively

and so on…

Be aware of what you do, eat and think!  

You are the creators of the next generation and this is more important than everything else if we want to live in a peaceful, healthy and high vibrational world.

Rather being a creator than a victim.