What is illness to you?

health Apr 07, 2022


Is it something bad or even evil? Is it something that comes out of the blue? Is it something you can't do anything about? Do you feel as though you are the victim of the illness?

For me it is a gentle hint that something goes wrong in my life. These could be my negative thoughts, my diet habits, my fears, my day to day sorrows or my childhood traumas. Whatever it is, I see it as an energetic blockage. It is like a wake-up call. It is your body’s way of telling you: hey pay attention, there is something wrong. Most people ignore their symptoms for years. They go to the doctor and take some pills. The pain may disappear, but it will come back. Maybe in another way, but it will come back. What a pity as our body tries to tell us when something goes in a wrong direction. It says in a gentle way: watch, see, feel and listen. It can start with a headache then it is a small accident, a migraine and then a huge accident and so on. As long we ignore the symptoms, they will come back and try to wake us up.

 Why do we ignore all the hints? We don’t know better, because we don’t learn to care for our body at school or anywhere else. Do you see the human being as a pure mechanical being where you can exchange body parts like with a car or do you see humans as energetic beings?! That makes a huge difference on your healing journey.

I look at symptoms as our greatest teachers and we should be grateful for them. Without them, we wouldn’t grow to our better self.

When you are sick, take some time off, sit down, go into a meditative state and ask your body (organ, pain etc.) some questions to reveal the real cause of the illness. 

  • Why are you giving me this pain?
  • What am I not seeing?
  • Where am I stuck?
  • What am I ignoring?

 Go with your intuition. When you get an answer, be brave enough to do the necessary changes. This could be to eat differently, to end a toxic relationship, to change your negative thoughts or whatever. Every human body is different. There isn’t one remedy for everyone.

When you are seriously sick, surround yourself with people who support you in your journey. Don’t surround yourself with people that bathe in fear. Their energy is toxic and won’t help you to rise your energy and shine your light.

Never forget. Only you can heal yourself. Someone else can be of support, but you are the one who has to do the healing. Only treating the symptoms won’t help. You can compare it with nature. If you don’t pull out the weed with the root, it will keep coming back and the weed will continue to grow underground.

At the beginning of my career as a craniosacral therapist, I wanted to help everyone and blamed myself when the client made no or only little progress. With time I realized that only with “clients” that are open and ready for a change, lasting healing can happen.

As a practitioner with 20 years of experience I can say that illness is nothing other than stress in the system!

Don’t forget. You are more powerful than you think! Infinite power lies within you.

  • Be aware of what you think!
  • Do what you love.
  • Follow your soul.
  • Be authentic.
  • Be present.
  • Be joyful and celebrate life and then

energy will flow and you will be rewarded with health.