Society of fear

health mind Jan 16, 2022

Get rid of your fears and your life will change for the positive

If you are a parent and are filled with fear, it not only has an impact on you, but also on your child as everything is energy. You attract what you send out into the universe. It is not only about what you verbally send out, things such as, be careful, don’t do that, it’s dangerous and so on. Your kid senses your vibration and takes it on subconsciously. Vibrating on a lower level attracts illnesses. It is so important that you learn to overcome your fears which are an accumulation of your parents, schools, media etc. Take some time, have a look and discover what you are afraid of. No fear just appears out of nowhere. Otherwise we all would have the same ones.

A small exercise. Close your eyes and imagine a fearful situation you have experienced before. What does your body feel like? How are you breathing? Is your body tense? Do feel cold or hot etc. Now imagine a joyful situation. Close your eyes and feel again. What kind of sensations do you experience now? Do you feel the difference?

The most important thing to do now is to make a choice. It is all about choosing. Do you want to be in fear or in joy.

This exercise is all about enhancing your vibrations. Sit or lie down and observe your surroundings. What do you see? Then close your eyes and listen. What sounds do you hear? Then be aware of any movements. Now, be aware of the field around you, then remember a situation in life where you felt unconditional love, joy, peace or compassion. They are all of higher vibrations. Feel it, see it, hear it, BE it. After a few minutes or however long you feel like, let the situation go. Come back to your body. Do this small exercise every day for a few minutes. Create what you want. Your life will change within a few weeks. Give it a try, it’s worth it.

I must admit, before the time of Covid (BC) J, I wasn’t aware of how many and how deeply most people are in fear of almost everything. Fear of not succeeding, fear of robbery, fear of not being good enough, fear of getting sick, fear of others opinions, fear of not fitting in and so on. The list is endless. Out of sheer fear, we are trapped in our lives. Imprisoned. Since the Plandemic, yes for me it is one, it is even worse. People seem to have no senses of reality any more. With constant fear there is no way for love to exist, real love. Not the love that is wide spread. I love you, as long as you are doing as I am saying. Very common with parents. You’re a good child as long as you meet my expectations. Fear should be a basic survival mechanism that signals our body to react to danger with a fight or flight response. That’s it.

Don’t forget. Nature is perfect, we human beings are perfect as we are. Our body does thousands of things automatically without giving them orders, but only if we don’t interrupt the natural cycle. Not to forget our immune system which is here to protect your body against outside invaders. That is why it is so important to support your system by eating healthy food, keep your body moving, get enough sleep, avoid too much stress, and keep a healthy mind. You are what you think.

The less afraid you are, the less controllable you are!

Again, choose unconditional love, joy and compassion over fear. If you do so, your life will change drastically to the positive!