Disclaimer & general information on medical topics:

The content presented here is intended exclusively for neutral information and general training.

It does not represent a recommendation or promotion of the diagnostic methods, treatments or medicines described or mentioned.

The content presented here does not claim to be complete, nor can the topicality, correctness and balance of the information presented be guaranteed. They also do not replace professional advice from a doctor or pharmacist and may not be used as a basis for independent diagnosis and/or the start, change or termination of treatment for illnesses. If you have any health questions or complaints, always consult your trusted doctor!

Jasmine Bertschy, WholisticFamilyLeader and its authors and employees assume no liability for any inconvenience or damage resulting from the application of the information presented here.

You should therefore never use the information provided here as the sole source for making health-related decisions. If you have any symptoms, you should definitely seek medical advice.